Data supporting the Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas
(see data files for a short introduction.)


General Description: This summarizes, by hexagon, indicators of observer effort and various calculations of species richness. Richness values were computed from the master database (see Observations for file MASTER.TXT).

Although we have made the data from this project accessible to anyone, all the time the authors spent administering this project, as well as time spent computerizing, organizing, and documenting the data, was uncompensated. Moreover, not every limitation of the data has been described. For these reasons, we request that researchers who wish to publish statistical analyses of these data please contact us first to discuss the data and opportunities for joint authorship of resulting publications. Furthermore, we again thank the Oregon Natural Heritage Program and the USEPA for sharing with us some of the non-avian data sets. Contact us at:
Paul Adamus: (phone 541-745-7092)
Kit Larsen: (phone 541-344-9574)

Fields (14, comma-delimited):


Percent of the hexagon located in Oregon (excluding ocean)

Number of species found (total)

Number of species found with status POSSIBLE

Number of species found with status PROBABLE

Number of species found with status CONFIRMED

Number of species found that were predicted

Number of species predicted but not found

Number of species found that were not predicted

Number of species observations that were duplicated

Number of species that also were found in square

Number of atlasing hours

Number of observers

Number of years covered

Note: "Predicted" species were those that had a strong (score of 3 or 4 on 4-point scale) association with any mapped habitat in the hexagon. Species whose occurrence was only historic (pre-1995) were excluded from tallies.